Final project for Logic for Systems. Proving properties about the algorithm using a modelling language like Alloy.
Video classifier for drowsiness. Sophisticated temporally varying video augmentation. Final project for Deep Learning.
Tensorflow, scikit-image, Python.
Course search and registration tool. Search course data and users can "register" for courses. Uses PageRank and two-phase commit for distributed search and distributed course registration. Final project for distributed systems.
Node.js, JavaScript.
GPU implementation of scanline stereo with application to stereoscopic video enhancement. Takes video streams from a pair of webcams, computes a robust disparity map, corrects noise, color balance, and exposure with respect to the other camera. Final project for computational photography (CSCI 1290) and heterogenous computing on CPU+GPU systems (APMA 2822B).
CUDA, scikit-image, C++, Python.
Pusoy dos, but in the browser so you can play with friends.
Rust, htmx.
Play now This link creates a new live game. Your friends can join with the URL in your address bar.
Computer Vision final project. Worked with 2 classmates to build an interactive image colorizer.
TensorFlow, Python.
Introduction to Software Engineering final project. Worked on a team of 5 people for 3 weeks. Uses Spotify API.
Java, Typescript, React, SQL.
Covid Project. Hardware, software, and protocol design. Explanation. Much of the approach changed after recording.
Rust, Linux Kernel Module.
Originally optimized for's JavaScript environment. Horizontal resolution increased for this demo.
Click to lock your cursor. WASD to walk.
Allows you to record data about other teams during a match, without requiring everybody to be able to use a Google Form (state of the art).
Made in some of the spare time during my robotics meetings.
Click to shoot your shot.
Drag and drop pieces on your turn. Need a friend (or another browser tab).
Started making the game after class, had other students in class play the game.
First semester AP Computer Science Priciples project.
Left and right click to navigate menu, clear terrain, and flag mines.
8th grade invention project. Perl script converts text file from Project Gutenberg into format that could be interpreted by the calculator. Reader program (TI-Basic) dynamically fetches text chunks out of archive memory.
TI-Basic, Perl.